My husband and I are quite excited about several themed sermon series we are still prayerfully considering and writing for 2013. In an effort to teach them the gospel on their level, we like to create themes based on trends (movies, games, television shows, etc.) the kids are already excited about and love. For instance, we are currently in the middle of our Angry Birds inspired series ANGER DANGER.
I can take little creative credit for most of the material I write. God wakes me in the middle of the night with ideas or sometimes an idea will pop into my head and I just know it's God. I'm not at all naturally creative. I read alot of children's pastors' blogs, browse Kidology and KidMin boards on Pinterest, and spend hours a week scouring the web for game, skit, and craft ideas.
Anyways, one of our upcoming series that I'm most excited about is our Despicable Me inspired theme entitled Blessable Me. The series is based on the Book of Job, and teaches the story on the kids' level by tying it in with the Despicable Me characters and plot. I finished the artwork to advertise it on our church foyer screen. As I said in the last post, I'm not a graphic designer. That being said, in my opinion, the Blessable Me artwork is the cutest thing ever created on my computer. When my husband and I finish writing the series, I will upload the art without my customizations (church name, date, etc.). Anyone wanting to use the series will also have the artwork available too.
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