Friday, July 5, 2013

Kidmin Space on a Budget: Day 1

Here are a few pictures of our first day.  We worked 12 hours on the project and only have a few things left to do tomorrow.  Our church's kidmin budget is pretty modest, so for the budget and with only two adults and a preteen doing all of the work,  I think it turned out really awesome!  Honestly,  it is better than I imagined.  

Incase I don't get the time to post the finished product, we were a piece of pegboard short, we have to finish the puppet stage, and we will still need to put up the lights and a few extra props like perhaps a barrel and a little bit of caution tape.  

The lumber yard we purchased our wood from didn't give us the best wood, so in the places where it looks like things are sagging or leaning, it's just because some of the pieces of wood are bowed out.

Altogether the project has cost about $320.

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