ANGER DANGER: Part Two (Angry Actions)

Anger Danger

     Angry Birds Themed Series - Righteous and Unrighteous Anger

     Series Power Verse: “In your anger, do not sin.” – Ephesians 4:26 (KJV)


      Angry Actions (Cain kills Abel.)

The angry birds could have simply talked things over with the pigs. They could
have called the police.  However, they chose to let the sin build up until they
lashed out at the pigs in violence.  Cain also let his jealousy build up until he
exploded with violence.  



“Happy and You Know It” (



1.     Be kind to your neighbor

2.     Listen to your leaders

3.     Stay In your seat



“In your anger, do not sin.” – Ephesians 4:26

I ask the kids to stand during our Power Verse Shouts.  I would shake my fist like I was having a tantrum while we yelled “in your anger” and then stomp a foot with each word as I said, “do not sin”.  The kids enjoyed acting the verse out, and several of them knew the verse by heart before they went home.

    TITHES & OFFERING: Malachi 3:10  


“Trading My Sorrows”  


“In your anger, do not sin.” – Ephesians 4:26


“How Great Your Love Is” –  Gateway Next


We played this game at the beginning of the series.  The kids loved it so much, we decided to play it again!  We played the Angry Birds theme song during the game.


Angry Birds Ball Toss

Using a large cardboard panel, we created a sort of beanbag toss game.  We cut circles out of the cardboard and taped pictures of the green Angry Birds pigs in the back.  We bought a pack of cheap plastic balls and taped angry bird faces on them.  The object of the game was to throw your “Angry Bird” at a pig.  It was very cheap to make and wasn’t the prettiest thing in the world, but the kids absolutely loved it!



“Get Up” –  SuperChick


“Happy Day” – Uncle Charlie


“In your anger, do not sin.” – Ephesians 4:26


“In your anger, do not sin.” – Ephesians 4:26

The object of the Power Verse Race is to help teach the kids how to use their Bible in addition to scripture memorization.  The kids have to find the verse in their Bible, stand, and read it.  Everyone who can find and read the verse gets a piece of candy. The younger children get assistance from leaders and helpers to even things out.


This is my Bible!

I am what it says I am!

I can have what it says I can have!

I can do what it says I can do!

My mind is alert.

My heart is open.

I am about to receive a life changing message

And I will never be the same

In Jesus’ name!




            In our day to day lives we experience a lot of emotions, don’t we?  Sometimes we’re happy.  Sometimes we’re sad.  Sometimes we’re angry.  When we’re happy we smile, we may jump up and down, or even do a little dance.  When we’re sad, we frown and we cry and eventually we get over it and go back to being happy.  The emotion that gets us into the most trouble is our anger.  Because we have so many different ways of dealing with anger.  The right way to deal with our anger is to cool off and pray about it.  Unfortunately that isn’t what Cain did, is it?


            Last week, we learned how the very first brothers on earth, Cain and Abel both took an offering to God.  Even though they both knew what God expected of them, Abel gave God his very best but Cain did not give God his best.  God was very pleased with Abel’s offering, but He was very disappointed with Cain’s offering.  Cain immediately became angry.  Uh-oh.  Remember, anger is that emotion that gets us in the most trouble.  God told Cain if he didn’t master his anger, it would get him in trouble. 

            Cain should have taken God’s words more seriously.  He should have tried to master his anger.  He could have went somewhere by himself and prayed.  He could have talked it over with his parents who would have advised him to pray about it.  I guess the best way to say it is, he should have prayed about it.  Of course he didn’t pray, and he didn’t master his anger.  He let it build until he popped!  That’s right, he let his anger get so bad that it caused him to sin.  He asked Abel to take a walk with him.  While they were off on their own away from their parents, Cain attacked Abel and killed him!


            Show the video from the Angry Birds game intro. (You can download the demo of the game for free from the Angry Birds website). 

            We’ve all played the game.  We all know the story.  The pigs come steal the birds’ eggs and eat them. The birds become so angry they launch an attack on the pigs.  There’s that emotion that gets us in trouble sometimes…ANGER.  It definitely made the ANGRY Birds sin, didn’t it?  They could have done a lot of things differently.  They could have called the police.  They could have talked with the pigs. They certainly could have and should have prayed!  But they didn’t.  They didn’t follow our POWER VERSE.  In their anger, they did sin.


            How many of you remember my story a few weeks ago about me and my brother?  He slammed my fingers in the truck door.  I let my anger build up and build up until I had to get revenge.  Today, I’m going to tell you another story about someone else you all know and love.  Someone right here in this room.  So this person, we’ll just call him Kenny.  It was Christmastime a long time ago.  And his whole family had gathered together to celebrate.  Everyone was happy.  Show the kids the regular balloon straight from the pack. 

            The kids went outside to play.  They were playing around having a good time until one of his cousins hit or kicked him a little too hard.   Blow up a balloon.  Also have an adult volunteer blow up a balloon.  Before it gets to the point where it’s about to pop stop and keep the end pinched so the air doesn’t escape. 

            He could have let it go.  He could have explained to his cousin that he’d played too rough and hurt him.  He could have stopped playing and went and prayed about it.  We all get to this point, don’t we?  This point when we can’t take it anymore.  We have to do something with our anger.  Some of us take a while to get there.  We let our anger build and build and others of us get there very quickly like the boy named Kenny in our story, who unfortunately kicked his cousin’s arm so hard, he had to be taken to the Emergency Room. 

            When we go sit somewhere, countdown from ten, pray about it, and give our anger to God, he sucks up all of the anger.  Release your fingers and let the air out of the balloon.  Then, we are able to go on with our lives and be happy again.

            When we don’t give our anger to God, when we choose to deal with our anger ourselves, our anger leads to sin.  Usually we say something mean that we can’t take back or act out violently which we also can’t take back.  Let the volunteer continue to blow up the balloon until it pops.

            Hold up both balloons.  (The balloon that popped may be in more than one piece).

            When we pray about our anger and give it to God, we go back to normal, we have peace, and we feel happy.  When we let our anger explode into sin, we end up hurting others and ourselves.


            Bro. Kenny—OOOPS, I mean the person in our story—didn’t take time to go cool off did, he?  He let his anger spew just like Cain and the angry birds did.  Kenny didn’t kill his cousin or wage a destructive war on a bunch of pigs, but he did act out in his anger and attacked his cousin.  The angry birds attacked the pigs.  Cain attacked Abel.  They all let their anger cause them to sin.  Our power verse says, “in your anger, do not sin”.  God doesn’t want us to sin.  Sin makes our hearts black and dirty.  When we mess up and sin, first we need to ask for God’s forgiveness.   He comes and wipes away all the sin and makes our hearts clean again.  After we receive God’s forgiveness, we need to ask the person we hurt for forgiveness.  They may not always forgive us right away, but we still need to let them know we are sorry.



Play soft music and let the Lord lead you.  He knows the needs of every child in the service, and He will give you the words they need to hear.



Balloon Race

Have kids pair off in boys vs. girls teams.  Two people at a time from each team will race down with a balloon and place it in a garbage bag at the end of the room.  The first team to move all of their balloons across the room and into the bag wins.  They have to carry the balloon, facing one another with the balloon between their belly.  They may not touch the balloon with their hands until they reach the end and place it in the garbage bag.  If they drop the balloon, they have to start over.

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